The Path to Better Trades

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Tracking and Improving Your Stock Trading

Who doesn’t want to make better trades? I know I always do! Even if it's just by a few percent. One of the ways that can help to improve your stock trading is to track your stock trading progress. These methods include:

A journal of stock trades is a 3-ring binder containing all of the trades that you make and have closed out. They are printed out in chart format and reviewed. This is discussed in more detail in the section “Journal of Stock Trades.” I even share a real page from my journal!

Tracking Daily Trades, Tracking Monthly Progress and Comparing Progress to Goals
are all done in MS Excel spread sheets* that are created to track and provide you with gain/loss figures of your trades and measure your progress against your goals. It’s a terrific way to keep track and gauge how you’re doing with your trading.

An additional way to learn how to trade better is knowing where to find free stock trading information that you can apply to your stock trading.

All of the suggestions listed above will help you on your path to better trades.

* If you are not familiar with MS Excel, I highly recommend you take a class or go through a tutorial.

For a free tutorial, while you’re in MS Excel, click “Help” on the top toolbar and select “Office on the Web.” MS Office Online will open up. Under “Help and how-to,” select “Excel” and in the left column, you’ll see the different versions of Excel Training.

If that doesn’t work for you, you can still do the calculations manually.

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